Recently I retired my old trusty TI85 calculator and replaced it with a more modern scientific calculator, which could even run python. Doing this reminded me of the CORDIC algorithm, which was developed by Jack Volder in 1958 and enabled the first scientific calculator the HP35.
We have looked at the CORDIC algorithm before however, when previously examined we used an IP block from the Vivado Library.
I did however, want to come back and look at how we could implement a CORDIC algorithm from scratch using VHDL and the fixed point math package which we have previously also examined.
Doing so enables us to understand how we can create RTL modules which implement algorithms using the fixed package. While allowing us to see the inner workings of the CORDIC algorithm.
As mentioned to develop this I am going to be using the fixed point IEEE packages for this development.
The algorithm for the CORDIC algorithm can be seen below and works in two mode, rotation and vectoring.
To ensure flexibility and precision the module has been developed to use generics which enable the number of integer and fractional bits to be adjusted.
generic (
-- Fixed-point format
INTEGER_BITS : integer := 2;
FRACTION_BITS : integer := 16;
ITERATIONS : integer := 16
The design also includes constants for zero and the processing gain which is used in rotating mode to provide a result which is scaled correctly.
-- CORDIC gain compensation factor (approximately 0.607253)
constant K : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS) :=
to_sfixed(0.607253321089875, INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS);
constant ZERO : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS) :=
to_sfixed(0.0, INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS);
At its heart is a shift and add algorithm which uses a small look up table storing a values of arctan value for the iteration.
This implementation will be built around a 16 iteration CORDIC algorithm, which means the look up table only needs to store 16 entries. These entries will be store arctan 2**-I, these values will be pre calculated and quantised using the fixed point package.
When it comes to quantising the values of ArcTan we need to sure we provide sufficient resolution. The smallest value required to be stored is 2**-15 which is a vary small number (0.000030517578116) to store this value, we need at least 16 fractional bits.
constant atan_table : angle_array := (
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** 0), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-1)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-2)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-3)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-4)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-5)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-6)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-7)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-8)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-9)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-10)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-11)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-12)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-13)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-14)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-15)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS) );
I want the module to be pipelined that is to be able to process a new input on every clock cycle. To do this I will be declaring a record type which contains the X, Y, Z, mode and a valid signal which propagates through.
-- Type definitions for the pipeline stages
type stage_data is record
x : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
y : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
z : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
valid : std_logic;
mode : std_logic; -- Propagate mode through pipeline
end record;
This record type can then be used to create an array for the processing pipeline. We can iterate through each of the 16 iterations using a for loop.
Within this loop, we need to perform the X and Y shift, using the shift_right function.
shift_x := shift_right(pipe_regs(i).x, i);
shift_y := shift_right(pipe_regs(i).y, i);
We also need to determine the direction of the rotation for both rotating and vectoring modes.
-- Determine rotation direction based on mode
if pipe_regs(i).mode = '0' then
rotation_direction := '1' when ( pipe_regs(i).z <
to_sfixed(0, INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS)) else '0';
rotation_direction := '1' when (pipe_regs(i).y >=
to_sfixed(0, 1, -FRACTION_BITS)) else '0';
end if;
With the direction determined the pipeline can be updated to by performing the additions or subtractions as determined.
-- Compute next values based on rotation direction
if rotation_direction then
-- Rotate clockwise
next_x := resize((pipe_regs(i).x + shift_y),
next_y := resize((pipe_regs(i).y - shift_x),
next_z := resize((pipe_regs(i).z + atan_table(i)),
-- Rotate counter-clockwise
next_x := resize((pipe_regs(i).x - shift_y),
next_y := resize((pipe_regs(i).y + shift_x),
next_z := resize((pipe_regs(i).z - atan_table(i)),
end if;
This solution is not fully pipelined, as such does have a latency to calculate the values of Sin, Cos (rotating) and ArcTan (Vectoring).
The complete design can be seen below
library IEEE;
entity cordic_pipelined is
generic (
-- Fixed-point format
INTEGER_BITS : integer := 2;
FRACTION_BITS : integer := 16;
ITERATIONS : integer := 16
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
data_valid : in std_logic;
-- Mode selection: '0' for rotation, '1' for vectoring
mode : in std_logic;
-- Inputs depend on mode:
-- Rotation mode: (angle, 1.0, 0.0) or (angle, x_in, y_in) for arbitrary vector rotation
-- Vectoring mode:
--(0.0, x_in, y_in) to compute magnitude and angle
angle_or_zero : in sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
x_in : in sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
y_in : in sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
-- Outputs depend on mode:
-- Rotation mode
--(z_out=~0, cos(angle), sin(angle)) or rotated vector
-- Vectoring mode: (angle, magnitude, ~0)
z_out : out sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
x_out : out sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
y_out : out sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
valid_out : out std_logic
end cordic_pipelined;
architecture Behavioral of cordic_pipelined is
-- Type definitions for the pipeline stages
type stage_data is record
x : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
y : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
z : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
valid : std_logic;
mode : std_logic; -- Propagate mode through pipeline
end record;
type pipeline_array is array (0 to ITERATIONS) of stage_data
-- Lookup table for arctangent values
type angle_array is array (0 to ITERATIONS-1) of
constant atan_table : angle_array := (
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** 0), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-1)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-2)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-3)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-4)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-5)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-6)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-7)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-8)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-9)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-10)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-11)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-12)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-13)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-14)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS),
to_sfixed(arctan(2.0 ** (-15)), INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS) );
-- CORDIC gain compensation factor (approximately 0.607253)
constant K : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS) :=
to_sfixed(0.607253321089875, INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS);
constant ZERO : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS) :=
to_sfixed(0.0, INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS);
-- Pipeline registers
signal pipe_regs : pipeline_array;
-- Pipeline process
process(clk, rst)
variable shift_x, shift_y : sfixed
variable next_x, next_y : sfixed
variable next_z : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
variable rotation_direction : std_logic;
if rst = '1' then
-- Reset all pipeline stages
for i in 0 to ITERATIONS loop
pipe_regs(i).x <= to_sfixed
pipe_regs(i).y <= to_sfixed
pipe_regs(i).z <= to_sfixed
pipe_regs(i).valid <= '0';
pipe_regs(i).mode <= '0';
end loop;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
-- Input stage
if data_valid = '1' then
-- Initialize based on mode
if mode = '0' then -- Rotation mode
pipe_regs(0).x <= resize(x_in * K,
pipe_regs(0).y <= resize(y_in * K,
pipe_regs(0).z <= angle_or_zero;
else -- Vectoring mode
pipe_regs(0).x <= x_in;
pipe_regs(0).y <= y_in;
pipe_regs(0).z <= angle_or_zero;
end if;
pipe_regs(0).valid <= '1';
pipe_regs(0).mode <= mode;
pipe_regs(0).valid <= '0';
end if;
-- Pipeline stages
for i in 0 to ITERATIONS-1 loop
if pipe_regs(i).valid = '1' then
-- Calculate shifted values for this iteration
shift_x := shift_right(pipe_regs(i).x, i);
shift_y := shift_right(pipe_regs(i).y, i);
-- Determine rotation direction based on mode
if pipe_regs(i).mode = '0' then
rotation_direction := '1' when
( pipe_regs(i).z < to_sfixed
else '0';
rotation_direction := '1' when
(pipe_regs(i).y >= to_sfixed
else '0';
end if;
-- Compute next values based on rotation direction
if rotation_direction then
-- Rotate clockwise
next_x := resize((pipe_regs(i).x + shift_y)
next_y := resize((pipe_regs(i).y - shift_x)
next_z := resize((pipe_regs(i).z + atan_table(i))
-- Rotate counter-clockwise
next_x := resize((pipe_regs(i).x - shift_y),
next_y := resize((pipe_regs(i).y + shift_x),
next_z := resize((pipe_regs(i).z - atan_table(i)),
end if;
-- Assign to next pipeline stage
pipe_regs(i+1).x <= next_x;
pipe_regs(i+1).y <= next_y;
pipe_regs(i+1).z <= next_z;
pipe_regs(i+1).valid <= pipe_regs(i).valid;
pipe_regs(i+1).mode <= pipe_regs(i).mode;
pipe_regs(i+1).valid <= '0';
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end process;
-- Output assignment
z_out <= pipe_regs(ITERATIONS).z;
x_out <= pipe_regs(ITERATIONS).x;
y_out <= pipe_regs(ITERATIONS).y;
valid_out <= pipe_regs(ITERATIONS).valid;
end Behavioral;
To test this module in both the rotating and vectoring mode I created a simple test bench. The test bench will test the CORDIC in both rotating and vectoring mode reporting an error should the expected result vary by more than the accepted margin of error.
library IEEE;
entity cordic_pipelined_tb is
end cordic_pipelined_tb;
architecture Behavioral of cordic_pipelined_tb is
-- Constants
constant CLK_PERIOD : time := 10 ns;
constant INTEGER_BITS : integer := 3;
constant FRACTION_BITS : integer := 16;
constant ITERATIONS : integer := 16;
constant ERROR_THRESHOLD : real := 0.001; -- Maximum allowed error
-- Component declaration
component cordic_pipelined is
generic (
INTEGER_BITS : integer := 2;
FRACTION_BITS : integer := 14;
ITERATIONS : integer := 16
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
data_valid : in std_logic;
mode : in std_logic;
angle_or_zero: in sfixed
x_in : in sfixed
y_in : in sfixed
z_out : out sfixed
x_out : out sfixed
y_out : out sfixed
valid_out : out std_logic );
end component;
-- Signal declarations
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal rst : std_logic := '1';
signal data_valid : std_logic := '0';
signal mode : std_logic := '0';
signal angle_or_zero: sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
signal x_in : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
signal y_in : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
signal z_out : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
signal x_out : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
signal y_out : sfixed(INTEGER_BITS-1 downto -FRACTION_BITS);
signal valid_out : std_logic;
-- Test procedure for checking results
procedure check_rotation_result (
expected_cos : real;
expected_sin : real;
actual_x : sfixed;
actual_y : sfixed;
test_angle : string) is
variable actual_cos_real : real;
variable actual_sin_real : real;
variable cos_error, sin_error : real;
actual_cos_real := to_real(actual_x);
actual_sin_real := to_real(actual_y);
cos_error := abs(actual_cos_real - expected_cos);
sin_error := abs(actual_sin_real - expected_sin);
assert cos_error < ERROR_THRESHOLD and sin_error < ERROR_THRESHOLD
report "Rotation mode test failed for " & test_angle & LF &
"Expected cos = " & real'image(expected_cos) &
", got = " & real'image(actual_cos_real) & LF &
"Expected sin = " & real'image(expected_sin) &
", got = " & real'image(actual_sin_real)
severity error;
end procedure;
procedure check_vectoring_result (
expected_angle : real;
actual_angle : sfixed;
test_point : string) is
variable actual_mag_real : real;
variable actual_angle_real : real;
variable mag_error, angle_error : real;
actual_angle_real := to_real(actual_angle);
angle_error := abs(actual_angle_real - expected_angle);
assert angle_error < ERROR_THRESHOLD
report "Vectoring mode test failed for " & test_point & LF &
"Expected angle = " & real'image(expected_angle) &
", got = " & real'image(actual_angle_real)
severity error;
end procedure;
-- Clock generation
clk <= not clk after CLK_PERIOD/2;
-- DUT instantiation
DUT: cordic_pipelined
generic map (
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
data_valid => data_valid,
mode => mode,
angle_or_zero => angle_or_zero,
x_in => x_in,
y_in => y_in,
z_out => z_out,
x_out => x_out,
y_out => y_out,
valid_out => valid_out );
-- Stimulus process
stim_proc: process
variable pi : real := MATH_PI;
variable test_angles : real_vector(0 to 4) :=
(0.0, pi/6.0, pi/4.0, pi/3.0, pi/2.0);
variable test_points : real_vector(0 to 4) :=
(1.0, 0.866, 0.707, 0.5, 0.0001);
-- Reset sequence
rst <= '1';
wait for CLK_PERIOD*2;
rst <= '0';
wait for CLK_PERIOD*2;
-- Test Rotation Mode
report "Testing Rotation Mode...";
mode <= '0';
for i in test_angles'range loop
data_valid <= '1';
angle_or_zero <= to_sfixed(test_angles(i),
x_in <= to_sfixed(1.0, INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS);
y_in <= to_sfixed(0.0, INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS);
wait for CLK_PERIOD;
data_valid <= '0';
-- Wait for result
wait until valid_out = '1';
wait for CLK_PERIOD/2; -- Align with clock edge
-- Check results
"angle = " & real'image(test_angles(i))
wait for CLK_PERIOD*2;
end loop;
-- Test Vectoring Mode
report "Testing Vectoring Mode...";
mode <= '1';
for i in test_points'range loop
data_valid <= '1';
angle_or_zero <= to_sfixed(0.0,
x_in <= to_sfixed(test_points(i),
y_in <= to_sfixed(1.0, INTEGER_BITS-1, -FRACTION_BITS);
wait for CLK_PERIOD;
data_valid <= '0';
-- Wait for result
wait until valid_out = '1';
wait for CLK_PERIOD/2;
-- Check results
"point = (" & real'image(test_points(i)) & ", 1.0)"
wait for CLK_PERIOD*2;
end loop;
report "CORDIC Testing Completed" severity failure;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Running this in simulation shows the results are calculated as expected.
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