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The Spartan 7 Tile provides developer with a risk free way of integrating a Spartan 7 in their design without the worry of designing a chip down solution. 


The tile measures 59mm x 59 mm and provides the following 


  • Supply voltage 4.5 to 18V
  • Spartan 7 XC7S25 with 23,360 Logic Cells, 80 DSP, 45 BRAM
  • Configuration Memory 256Mbit QSPI
  • Done LED
  • Two user LED
  • USB JTAG - Connector needed on carrier board
  • 100 MHz Oscillator
  • Reset Button
  • Boot selection header (JTAG/QSPI)
  • PSRAM – 32Mbit – Seral RAM connected to the FPGA
  • 82 IO including – Power and Ground, JTAG, 32 IO at 3v3, 41 IO configurable voltage (3v3-1.2V and LVDS)



To help get started using the Spartan 7 Tile the following is provided 

  • User guide
  • Schematic
  • Vivado Board definition
  • Reference Designs - Including IP to enable processor to access FPGA internals using processor UART / SPI
  • Tile footprint in Altium to help accelerate your design.
  • Adiuvo can be contracted to develop your application or assist with it.


Typical applications which would benfit from the Spartan 7 Tile include 


  • System Controller – Power supply sequencing, power monitoring, configuration management, board management and supervision / communication interface.
  • Protocol conversion – Convert to and from bespoke / legacy protocol.
  • Sensor Aggregation – Aggregate several different sensor types for easy access by processor
  • IO expansion – Provide additional interfaces e.g. QSPI, SPI, I2C etc.
  • Processing offloading – e.g. Control algorithm e.g. PID, Filtering, co processing , encryption / decryption of data streams entering and leaving system
  • Health and Usage Monitoring systems – Integrate with sensors e.g. accelerometer, pressure, humidity etc to monitor the environmental operating conditions.
  • Rapid Prototyping – quickly demonstrate the concept required in a FPGA. Reduces risk of FPGA integration / Removes obsolescence management issues

Spartan 7 Tile

Expected October 2024
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